Feeling guilty

At my encouragement, people have been giving me string blocks for the HeartStrings Quilt Project. I even asked for some purple centered blocks from the project organizer and received those via mail. Seeing the piles start to add up was beginning to register on the guiltmeter. After finishing the two hot customer quilts this week, I decided to work on that pile. Here is what I've accomplished so far. Sorry the photos are not the best. I'll try to take better ones later today outside if it's not raining.

First..... The pink and blue blocks given to me by Donna in the morning adult ed class. There were 36 in all. I used 35 blocks (5 X 7) in the body of the quilt and cut the last one in quarters for border cornerstones. The best part was that all the rest was from my stash.... Kona Snow sashing and a raspberry print border.... left over from a project I completed over a decade ago. Yay!! I think I can round up enough for a back too. Since there is so much pink in this one I'm going to count it in the Pink Project for October.

Our guild donates "cuddle" quilts to the San Diego Center for Children. The next donation date is at our meeting in November so I decided to get cracking on the purple center string blocks too. This one still needs a border. I found a fun piece of dark purple with orange and green sharks on it in my stash. Hope there is enough of it..... haven't done the math yet but I need to do some non quilty things right now.

Fun stuff.... I got a message from my husband yesterday saying he was interviewed by one of the local TV news stations. He works in a neighborhood that is under the eastern edge of the Coronado Bay Bridge. Guess they were doing a story about the bridge. The story ended up not running yesterday because of the bigger stories that happened...(water main breaks as a result of the community that had million $$ homes damaged or destroyed in the land slide from the day before... some how the events are connected). I'll set the timer for the VCR just in case it runs today. Wouldn't you know it, his mom and sister's family are all out of town on a cruise. Hope I program the VCR right. =)


Vicki W said…
Your pink quilt turned out really nice. It's amazing how many ways these string blocks can be used! The purple one is perfect for a kids quilt. Very bright and happy!
Mary Johnson said…
I like both of these. I worked on pink string blocks this week too - I wonder how many Project Pink quilts we'll end up donating?

The purple quilt is really cute too!
Helen in the UK said…
Love how you used those blue/pink blocks and all your additions from stash too! Congrats :)

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