Murder of Crows
Autumn is officially here. I can tell because occasionally at sunset the crows gather in the eucalyptus trees out back. Not just one or two mind you but somewhere between 100-200. LOL yeah, it's LOUD! I know some folk don't like crows or think they are bad luck, but their caws and cackles remind me of laughter. I know it's hard to see in the photo but that's just one of the trees and it's loaded. I was hoping they would all take flight while I had the camera, but no. BTW.... anybody know how many crows it takes to make a murder? Inquiring minds want to know.
I got the small customer quilt done. I could tell it is one of her first attempts at quilting because of some of the markings on the quilt but for an early attempt it was wonderfully flat and square. Sounds like someone's been paying attention to the teacher. =) Funny thing about this quilt. I was taking a picture of it for my files and I didn't see the flipped block till I looked through the view finder. Do you see the problem? As per the recent discussion on MQ Resource, I'm going to keep my mouth shut since I didn't see it before it was quilted. =)
I usually find errors from photos too - luckily I take pictures of finished tops. There's no way I'd correct something after quilting it! Will you tell her?
So I never worried about what to do with all the eggs after Easter, I put them out for the crows.
I love crows.