I Can't Say No
I probably shouldn't announce this to the world because certain persons could use this little tidbit of info against me ;c) but I do have a problem saying no. I've actually gotten better ... to a point. At least I'm saying no to leadership positions in guilds etc. 5 years as a band booster officer tired me a bit so I'm taking a breather. I did say yes to the next guild opportunity quilt tho. It's a variation of the applique quilt Baltimore Bunnies. All the blocks are due Feb. 1st.
I took block #11. I got the pieces all turned and glued down. 7 days to get the stitching done..... no problemo.
It's been raining pretty steady for 2 solid hours tonight. We need the rain but I'm a bit worried about so much at once. The burnt hillsides are not going to be able to absorb it all. Crossing my fingers....
I've been meaning to thank Ruthie for awarding me the "You Make My Day" award. The fact that others find my missives interesting and helpful makes MY day. I'm approaching my first blogversary (next month). I love that this media has opened up a whole new world of friendship and inspiration. That inspiration comes from SOOOO many talented gals, as my rapidly growing blog reader can attest to. :c) Meeting a few online friends recently brings the reality to life. So, thank you to all you wonderful ladies.... your friendship Makes My Day!
It's been raining pretty steady for 2 solid hours tonight. We need the rain but I'm a bit worried about so much at once. The burnt hillsides are not going to be able to absorb it all. Crossing my fingers....
I've been meaning to thank Ruthie for awarding me the "You Make My Day" award. The fact that others find my missives interesting and helpful makes MY day. I'm approaching my first blogversary (next month). I love that this media has opened up a whole new world of friendship and inspiration. That inspiration comes from SOOOO many talented gals, as my rapidly growing blog reader can attest to. :c) Meeting a few online friends recently brings the reality to life. So, thank you to all you wonderful ladies.... your friendship Makes My Day!

thanks for stopping by my blog- you have so much eye candy that I will come back and look at :)