Lifting this up...

to the universe. I'm hoping you'all can keep a good thought and fingers crossed for me next week. I'll be interviewing for a job that would be such a good fit for both me and the school. How do I know this? Because I subbed there this past week and I'll be doing the same next week. It's a open library clerk/tech position, 3 am hours a day, 5 days a week. Yes, you'd be correct if you said 15 hours per week is not enough time for the library to be open at any school let alone an elementary school. In our district classified personnel took the hardest hit in the budget cutting process. The district pays for 2 hours/day (isn't that SO generous) and any difference is made up by the school site. Not only is this site increasing the LC hours by 5/week, they also added a second "special projects" person who will keep the library open for an additional 3 to 3.5 hours a day. That speaks to their dedication to the library as a tool for literacy. I like their vision and the "special projects" gal and I work well together. So... crossed fingers for me would be most appreciated. Oh yeah..... another plus.... the hours perfectly mesh with my Padres job. :cD

I've done well getting on top of a couple projects so I hope to have some blocks of time this weekend to quilt. Stay tuned for a quilty post.


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