The topic of UFO's and PIGS (UnFinished Objects and Projects In Grocery Sacks) has been circulating recently. I definitely have way too many.... somewhere between 35-50. So why do I have so many? Why do I continue to start new projects with so many left to finish? There is no one answer.... I do love planning and starting a project and usually start with the intention of finishing. But then a project with a deadline comes along and before you know it, the original project has been relegated to a project box, out of sight, out of mind.

Right now I have too many irons in the fire. I'm pushing on the Chunky Churn Dash. It's for Allie. She loves blues and oranges. The center of the quilt reads blue due to the alternate block so I decided to change it up and add an orange/golden/yellow border. Hope to have the borders on and load it on the LA by next weekend.
I got as far as the pieced borders finished on RRCB and 4 blocks done on Jared Takes a Wife. I'm a bit behind on the Civil War blocks.... And I made a sample block for a wedding gift quilt.... LOL I'm tired just thinking of all I want to accomplish.
You're doing some wonderful colors there with all your projects. Progress is progress!