Stash Report - May 8 and a Flimsy Finish

Remember this?

Well, here is the finished top.

I'm calling it Santa Ana. For those of you from parts other than Southern California, a Santa Ana is a dry wind from the east.... the opposite of our 'norm'. If you heard about our bad fires from a few years ago, those were fueled by Santa Ana Winds. The day I took this photo, I had the toughest time getting a decent shot because the Santa Ana's were blowing. 

This quilt and back came entirely from blocks won and stash.... woohoo! So good news in the stash report dept.

Used since last report:     8 yards
Used year to Date:    50.75 yards
Added since last report:    0 yards
Added Year to Date:    25.25 yards
Net Used for 2011:    25.5 yards


Tiffaney said…
Love your colors. Wonderful top.
kwiltnkats said…
Love your Santa Ana. It's even more fabulous in person. Looks like you are keeping your Net at null! Sandi

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